Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Crossed Fingers

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

To cross one's fingers is a hand gesture used to superstitiously wish for good luck or to nullify a promise. The supposed loophole of crossing one's fingers whilst making a promise is usually exploited by school-aged children.

Crossing one's fingers, by curling the middle finger over the index, is thought to bring good luck. This dates back to when crossed fingers were used as a gesture to ward off witches and others considered to be or possess evil spirits. It is also seen as bad luck to cross your fingers on both hands.

Some believe that the gesture originates from pre-Christian times and, in many early European cultures, two people were required to use their index fingers to form the sign, one to make a wish and the other to support it. It was believed that the cross was a symbol of unity and that benign spirits dwelt at its intersecting point—to wish on a cross was a figurative way of securing the wish at the intersection until it came true. Over the years, the custom was modified so one person could make a wish on his/her own.

The 'crossed fingers' gesture is used for the logo of the United Kingdom's National Lottery, as well as the Oregon Lottery and Virginia Lottery in the United States.

Crossed fingers behind the back can also be used when making a promise or a claim to indicate that you are lying. This has been used in television and movies to clue in the viewers while keeping other characters in the dark.

In some countries, other gestures symbolize the wish for luck, e.g. in Germany "pressing thumbs" means to wish somebody luck.

New Year's Eve

My friends have already told me of the new year's eve plan from like a week ago. I have also asked my parents whether I can go out or not, and they said okay. Well, hopefully they're not gonna change their mind...

*Fingers crossed*

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Liburan Bersama Sushi

Bisa dibilang gw itu kecanduan sushi, karena tiap minggu itu paling sedikit 4 kali pasti gw makan sushi.

Restoran sushi favorite gw udah pasti Sushi Tei. Walaupun beberepa temen Jepang gw blg kl Sushi Tei ga enak, buat gw Sushi Tei tetep the best.

My recommended menu:

1. Crispy Roll - Crispy Sushi with unagi
2. Tuna Salad Crispy Mentai - Sushi roll with chopped tuna and salmon
3. Sashimi Salad - Salad with salmon/ tuna topping with 3 varieties of dressing
4. Fried Salmon Skin - Dari namanya kita udh pasti tau kl ini kulit salmon yg digoreng. CRUCNHY!

Setiap gw ke Sushi Tei, 4 menu di atas itu nggak akan pernah ketinggalan :p

Monday, December 28, 2009

Thank You, Mates :)

I'm very glad to have such a wonderful group mates who always encourage me to finish all the assignments before time. Gw mau berterima kasih banget sama Rizka Fadjriah, Priscyllia, dan Vennie! Puji Tuhan, Alhamdullilah banget tugas-tugas kita udah selesai semuanya walaupun sempet ada halangan sedikit, tapi justru disitulah tantangannya hehehe... Di saat temen-temen kita yg lain masih pada kebingungan dengan tugas-tugas yg dikasih sampai sekarang, tapi kita udah selesai cuma dalam waktu kurang lebih seminggu dan kita bisa menikmati sisa liburan tanpa pikiran apa-apa. Hal inilah yg buat gw baru ngerasa if the statement "bersakit-sakit dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian" was true, very true.

Friday, December 18, 2009

x o x o

After (about) two weeks of not writing, I thought of writing this blog again.

I went to Seaworld, Ancol with my boyfriend and my sis yesterday. It was very fun, YES seriously FUN! The last time I went there maybe when I was still a toddler hahaha.. There were actually nothing special about the aquarium and the fishes. It was the quality time that we spent together that made it very special :)

Aww I really love my boyfriend and my sister, they both always keep me happy all the time...

*Kisses to both of you*