Tuesday, October 5, 2010


The ticket has just been bought, and I'm ready to fly to Bali though I'm pretty much sad to leave my boyfriend again here in Jakarta :(

List of my TOP 5 resto(s) I definitely should be going to as soon as I arrived there:

1. Warung Italia

Terkenal dengan makanan khas Italia yg harganya sangat ramah di kantong. Recommended food di restoran ini ada Crespelle (Italian Crepes) 18k. Crespelle ini adalah lapisan-lapisan crepes yg diisi dengan jamur, daging ayam, bunga kol, dengan saus putih yg sangat gurih.

2. Naughty Nuri's

Terkenal dengan Ribs Babi BESAR dan super ENAKKKK dengan harga sangat murah (70 ribuan). Di Jakarta mau nyari ke ujung dunia mana juga kayaknya belum ada yg semurah ini.

3. Nasi Pedas Ibu Andhika

Nasi pedas Ibu Andhika walaupun cuma terletak di pinggir jalan ga kalah sama makanan-makanan lainnya. Yg terkenal dari warung nasi pedas Ibu Andhika ini adalah Kulit Ayam super crunchy dengan sambel pedas nya yg bikin ketagihan. Harga makanannya jg murah, tp porsi nya bikin kenyang.

4. Seafood Resto at Jimbaran

Di Jimbaran sebenernya ada banyak bgt restoran seafood nya. Berderet deh pokoknya. Terserah kita mau pilih yg mana.
Tapi gw punya rekomendasi di MENEGA CAFE. Restoran beach-side ini nyaris ga pernah sepi pengunjung saking enak dan murahnya. Di kafe ini sistem nya kaya seafood resto lainnya, kita mau makan misalnya kepiting, udang, cumi-cumi atau apapun dengan ditimbang dulu mau 1/2 kilo, 2kg atau lebih. Kita jg bisa pilih seafood yg sudah kita pesan mau dimasak dengan bumbu apa (ex: cumi goreng mentega, ikan bakar, dll). Harganya jg relatif murah dibanding dengan resto seafood di Jakarta.

5. Resto(s) at my apartment's beachside

Apartment gw, Jayakarta residence, terletak di Jl. Padma. Apartment gw ini letaknya strategis bgt dengan view pantai. Nah, di pinggiran pantai inilah ada banyak cafe yg bisa jg dijadiin pilihan kl perut laper. Rekomendasi gw ada Zanzi Bar.

Intinya, hidup di Bali itu enak bgt! Banyak jenis makanan, dan hampir semua nya HARGANYA MURAH. Ditambah lagi orang-orangnya ramah jg, kurang apa coba? Hehe..

Monday, September 27, 2010

The August Ladies

Went lunch at Sushi Tei PI with the team and here are some of the pics:

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Whoa, I've been abandoning this blog for too long (8-ish months). Gotta discipline myself to write like continuously from now on.


Time flew like uber fast that I already started 5th semester today. What made today really exciting is PR 12-1c (which is my class) got Pak Silih again as one of the lecturers, and also Mrs. Renata; She once taught me on the first year of college. Yet, I'm feeling excited for tomorrow too.

Speaking about tomorrow... Tomorrow is Wednesday and everyone got to go home earlier on Wednesdays during this semester *DOUBLE YAY-ness :D
Also, tomorrow some of my friends and I are going to go to Grand Indonesia to celebrate Indah and Lydia's birthday which actually has already passed like weeks ago LOL, and probably catch a movie afterwards.

Well, let's just see what else tomorrow will offer.



Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year

Sebenernya menulis itu menyenangkan, tapi I don't know why I sometimes feel very lazy to do such thing. Okay, what am I going to write?

Hey, it's January already... Happy new year people (though it's a little bit late)... What's your new year resolution? Err, I myself actually don't have any resolution, 'cause I know that it won't last throughout the year LOL.

Hmm... January means that February is only a month away. It's getting nearer yo buddy! You must have been wondering what's with me and February.
..... I'm going to go to Bali for vacation with around 20 friends, after a long hard final exam week. Nah, that's what makes me really excited. YEAY!!

BUT, there's also one thing that keeps me very sad at the same time, 'cause going to Bali means leaving my boyfriend alone here in Jakarta. I actually don't wanna leave him, but what can I do? The ticket has been bought from about 9 months agi. The trip has been very well planned and I don't wanna disappoint my friends for not going. This is from the very bottom of my heart: "I'm really sorry that I have to go, but I'm not gonna leave you very long. It's only a week and I'll be right back".